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abba Motorcycle Equipment UK Ltd Cookie Policy

Following changes to EU Law in 2011, abba Motorcycle Equipment are obliged to be transparent about the use of cookies on our website. There are several cookies that we may set to enable functionality of this website, and there are some widgets that we use on this site that are provided by third parties who may set and may have already set cookies in your browser.

This article is designed to explain what cookies are, how abbastands.co.uk uses cookies and how to control cookies.

So What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that a website stores in your web browser's cache to allow it to identify you. They are not programs, and cannot harm your computer.

Cookies might identify you personally, such as when you log into a site, or just your machine when you visit a site to remember preferences you selected or to track your visit from page to page.

Cookies are typically used so a web site can remember where you left off the last time you visited. Some examples would include what you had in your shopping cart, which products you viewed, etc.

This is primarily how abbastands.co.uk uses cookies.

Does that mean websites know who I am?

That depends! If you log into a website, then yes they will know you by the details you provided. If you have not provided any details then they won't know.

Does this website set cookies?

Yes. If you use our shopping cart, a cookie called AbbastandsCart will be set to keep track of which items you have in your shopping cart. This cookie can only be read by our website and is set to automatically expire after 7 days or when you purchase from us.

When you purchase from abbastands.co.uk, if you opt in, we will store a cookie called UserId in your browser, so on subsequent visits to the site we can retrieve your name, billing address, etc. to save you filling in the same information again. This cookie is set to automatically expire after 2 years.

What are third party cookies?

Third parties are other websites who provide parts of this website, such as social sharing widgets that appear on our products pages. These include Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

What if I don't want these cookies?

You can delete any cookie you don't want from your browser and you can set your browser to accept/block cookies on a site by site basis. Information on how to control cookies in the most popular browsers follows:

It is always a good idea to update to the latest version of your browser from a security/privacy point of view. Many of the latest browsers incorporate "do-not-track" functionality.