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Triumph Bonneville T120/T100

When using the abba Superbike Stand or Sky Lift on the Triumph Bonneville T120 & T100 the sprocket cover on the right hand side of the machine must be removed in order to access the swing-arm pivot. This cover can be removed via 4 x bolts, see pic below:

There is also a small plastic cap on the left hand swing-arm pivot, this can easily be removed with a flat blade screwdriver, cap is circled red in picture below:

Pictured is the T120 Bonneville, the T100 sprocket cover is a slightly different design, however the same parts need to be removed.

Once removed you will then have access to both swing-arm pivot bolts.

The Superbike Stand or Sky Lift can then be fitted as normal.

If you require any further information on this please do not hesitate to contact us.