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Order Superbike Stand/Sky Lift without Fitting Kit

We are sometimes asked how to purchase the abba Superbike Stand or Sky Lift on its own without an additional fitting kit. Perhaps you already have the fitting kit for your bike, or you don't want/need an additional fitting kit for another reason.

This is very simple, please follow the steps below (red circles).

  1. On the Superbike Stand or Sky Lift page select any bike, it doesn't matter which model or year:

  2. Under the product description you will see a small tick box, untick this box:

  3. Agree to the warning message:

  4. You will see the fitting kit is unticked. Now click the "add to basket" button to add the product without the fitting kit:

  5. Your basket now contains the Superbike Stand or Sky lift without any additional fitting kits.

    If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.