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EU Orders after 1st January 2021

Following the UK leaving the European Union as of 1st January 2021 any customer wishing to place an order for delivery inside the EU will now have to pay additional fees when receiving your order.

Because you will now pay sales tax in your country the UK sales tax (VAT) will be removed from the price of your order.

The courier will clear the goods through customs on arrival to your country. At this point, your country's government will calculate and add sales tax (VAT / TVA) at the current rate for your country. The courier company pays these fees on your behalf, and then you will be billed directly by them. You will be typically contacted by email.

Please note there will usually be a service charge to cover their work/costs for the customs clearance process and making payment to your country's government.

To estimate the import fees you will pay, please use the following link: Import-Calculator. Please note this does not take into account any administration fees charged by the courier company.

Should you have any further questions please feel free to contact us.